“People don’t know what I’m all about.” When I was first introduced to singer Asa, I did not know what to expect musically. Her lengthy dreadlocks and nerdy glasses are a combination in themselves, and you wonder what the world looks like from her point of view.
Her talent didn’t initially surprise me. Other bluesy vocalists with petite structures (Yukimi Nagano, Chrisette Michele) immediately came to mind and I was ready to sit it aside, hungry for something new. But there was an enlightenment coating her voice, a unique wisdom which would not allow her to be branded. Her sophomore album, Beautiful Imperfection, is in her opinion, blues personified.
“Questions” insist the listener evaluate this world we live in, and challenge why things are in such a disruptive state. She does, even from her small platform, so why can’t we? “The Way I Feel” is an open letter to anyone willing to hear her grievances, and Asa vocally bears her soul. Naija Music “Broda Olé” is a warning in the form of a parable, and orally connects you to her roots. If nothing else, the arrangements Asa creates allow you to comprehend her.
Asa – Broda Olé:
If nothing else, the arrangements Asa creates allow you to comprehend her. She truly uses this method of artistry as a medium, a form of therapy. Maybe her beautiful imperfections are her quirkiness, her ability to dutty wine to a pop beat [check the video for “Why Can’t We” below] and a voice that makes the heart flower.
Asa has publicly commented about her desire to make “happy music” in the future, prompting her fans to grow alongside her as well. What will she sing about next? Maybe her musical success will result in a joy she can’t keep quiet about, and another record playable from beginning to end.
Asa’s new album is slated for release in the US on September 6, 2011.
Asa – Beautiful Imperfection
Released: October 25, 2011
Label: Naive
Buy: Amazon UK / iTunes UK