M.I.A. releases autobiographical creative book | Art+Design

M.I.A. has always been known not only for her musical abilities but for also being super creative, and has been one of very few people to push artistic boundaries with all her visuals whether it be with her clothing style or videos – so it comes as a no-brainer that she would put her thoughts and visions down on paper for a new book.

The two-time Grammy nominated London born artist has now put together collages, photos and prints dating from her more recent inspirations whilst touring and all the way back to her time as a student at Central Saint Martin’s art and design college in London; including artwork and also assorted lyrics along with portions of an exclusive interview from the normally private M.I.A., who candidly discusses personal events and themes that have influenced her art and music throughout her journey.

Available in hardcover with a foreword by Steve Loveridge, M.I.A’s artschool friend and creative collaborator, you can now purchase her self-titled book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Watch an accompanying video below.


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