Neil Gaiman signs deal with HarperCollins for five children’s books | Book News

Neil Gaiman, the celebrated author of short stories, novels and comic books, will be penning his first-ever picture book for young children, according to The Guardian.

Famous for his comic book series The Sandman, Gaiman has signed a five-book deal with American publisher HarperCollins focusing solely on children’s books.

The bestselling author of works such as Stardust, Coraline and American Gods will be producing three children’s novels as part of the deal, including a sequel to Odd and the Frost Giants and a book entitled Fortunately, the Milk, which will be illustrated by Skottie Young.

The award-winning writer will also release two picture books. One of the picture books, a tale of a little panda with a big sneeze entitled Chu’s Day, will be illustrated by Adam Rex and published next January.

Gaiman said on his blog:

Chu’s Day is the first book I’ve ever written for really little kids. Ones who cannot read. Ones who can only just walk. Those ones. I hope that they like it, or at least, that they love Adam Rex’s amazing illustrations.”

Gaiman’s US editor Rosemary Brosnan added:

“We are thrilled to sign these wonderful and diverse books by the immensely talented Neil Gaiman, who is such a treasure and has so many fans of all ages.”

Gaiman also spoke of his upcoming adult novel, tentatively titled Lettie Hempstock’s Ocean.

“I think it’s a good book –- or at least, I think it’s a real book, and I’m proud of it, and whether it’s good or not will be up to other people to judge,” he wrote on his blog. “Despite the protagonist being about seven years old for most of the novel, it’s a book for adults. Or at least, I think it is. Now I’m doing things to it, including worrying that there’s a better title and rereading it and making it better and clearer and scarier wherever I can. But it’s a new book for adults, one I didn’t even know I would write until February, and it makes me happy that it exists.”

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  1. […] who recently signed a five book deal with HarperCollins, said of the new Sandman […]


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